Tying the Knot with Joyful Occasions Celebrant

Hi, I’m Joy of Joyful Occasions and I’ve officiated at hundreds of weddings in Sydney, greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, regional NSW and interstate.

I love weddings!  They bring family and friends together for one of life’s happiest rituals.

Why do I love weddings?  Each couple has a unique magic and story to tell and with their permission, I weave their journey into their wedding ceremony which sets the tone for the wedding reception or party, and their future lives.

It’s a wonderful and exciting time for couples to plan their wedding ceremony and vows, to celebrate with those most important in their lives, and begin anew as partners for life!

Tying the knot is another way of saying we are getting married.

It can also be a ritual used in the ceremony where the couple’s hands are bound together, representing their unity in marriage, like this photo from a Joyful Occasions Wedding.

Symbols and rituals can be powerful when used in wedding ceremonies. They create a sense of theatre – sometimes it’s about the words and sometimes it is the visual!

When planning your ceremony, think about that is important for the two of you when you stand before your family and friends.

And remember, as a professional wedding celebrant and writer, I am here to answer your questions and offer ideas to ensure your wedding day is a Joyful Occasion!

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